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Psychic surgery is used for many purposes. Surgical procedures are painful and abrasive, they take time to heal and can have worse side effects. Psychic Surgery is far healthier. Coming from a pure and clean source, the natural energy of heavenly light can be directed to any area that you have problems with. This could be in regards to scarring, problematic cysts that you have trouble getting rid of, torn ligaments or tissue, or issues in your eyes or vision. I have used psychic surgery to remove my own stretch marks in the past. I have also used it to remove a few minor scars, and a small cyst that I had in the back of my head. Psychic surgery is a great way of getting the help that you need without any terrible side effects at the medical fields process can often cause you.

Light therapy is sent to your whole body for your own cells to be directed toward an overall region and is stronger than a cellular rejuvenation service. Psychic surgery targets one area powerfully through the use of the light only, which works a little bit more strongly alone and not with your own cells. This service has also been used to repair damaged tissues and organs such as those who have had liver issues and heart problems. This can be applied in any area. 

* Disclaimer:

You may need a second or third additional service for this, to get optimal results. For some, one service is enough. For others we may need to direct the energy a couple of times. However, if you have serious or severe issues I would advise that you order two of these sessions. If we don’t need the second one I’ll happily refund you. I will get it just to be safe though.

Please do not request psychic surgery for any type of cosmetic needs such as liposuction or breast enhancement or reductions. I’ve had requests for this before, that have both worked and failed only because of the person’s spiritual contract or lessons in vanity. There are some who would want those things just out of the simple fact that they want to feel a little better about themselves but are more humble as an individual. In those cases it’s worked. But if a person is all about appearances and looks, then they will not have had much success. Heaven only renders services to those that actually believe in them, and have a pure intention.

Psychic Surgery

    Alura Spiritual and Psychic Services for life coaching, tarot, divination, angel readings, astrology, and energy healing services. We also offer help in spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Alura teaches understanding in religions and the ascension of consciousness.

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    Alura Spiritual Services

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