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Ritual magic is where a complete ceremony is performed to draw in your intention. A magical circle and rites are completed to tap into more powerful sources for a greater chance at making your desires become a reality. The rituals take longer but are worth the higher chances of the results taking place than a candle spell. Please contact us, choosing from the below options;
1. Find love
2. Attract a former lover
3. Fertility
4. Beauty
5. Weight loss
6. Banish an enemy
7. Banish negativity 
8. Increase passion
9. Temporary Protection
10. Increase finances
11. Good luck
12. Career Spell
13. Pass a test
14. Block gossip
15. Change someone’s mind
16. Get that job!
17. Passion
18. Hair growth
19. Increase opportunity or chance
20. Return Negativity back to the sender

Our refund policy is 48 hrs after your purchase only. If you have already received your service you are not eligible for a refund as your service has already been conducted & rendered to you. Thank you!

Ritual Spells

    Alura Spiritual and Psychic Services for life coaching, tarot, divination, angel readings, astrology, and energy healing services. We also offer help in spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Alura teaches understanding in religions and the ascension of consciousness.

    All Rights Reserved- 2025-2030

    Protected Under Trade of Alura Cein

    Alura Spiritual Services

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